Brand, list of products explored amid social media controversy

Chicago-based beer company Molson Coors has pulled two of its products, Coors Light and Keystone Light, off the market due to some quality-based issues detected at its brewery in Trenton. According to the statement released by St. Louis-based grocery outlet, Dierbergs Market on Wednesday, June 8, the company's recall action was a voluntary move to

Chicago-based beer company Molson Coors has pulled two of its products, Coors Light and Keystone Light, off the market due to some quality-based issues detected at its brewery in Trenton.

According to the statement released by St. Louis-based grocery outlet, Dierbergs Market on Wednesday, June 8, the company's recall action was a voluntary move to work on the quality of the items recently produced and released for sale in Trenton.

The Trenton production site sells the products to a relatively small market. This means the recall is not an overhaul, and similar products brewed in other parts of the country were not affected. The Coors Light and Keystone Light products taken off the retail shelves come in 12 oz packages.

Dierbergs Market listed six products taken off, including the Coors Light 12 oz can sold in 18 packs, 12 packs, 24 packs, and 30 packs. The Keystone Light also comes in the 12 oz can, and the recalled beer cans were in 15 packs and 24 packs.

In its address concerning the recall, Dierbergs Market informed concerned customers to reach Molson Coors through the Quality Hotline 1-800-645-5376, pasted on the cans. Affected customers are advised to return the products for a refund.

Molson Coors addresses the issue of the recalled beer packs

Just as Dierbergs mentioned that the company was concerned about quality, Molson Coors issued a statement reiterating the need for the drinks to be pulled from supermarkets. In its address, the company stated that its top priority was ensuring consistent quality.

This was revealed in an email the company sent to Snopes. The brewery's spokesperson stated that the recall action was not based on health risks while adding:

"The issue was with one can line that exclusively produces 12 oz. tall cans, it impacted only [sic] a small percentage of cans produced on the line and it has since been resolved."

The email further read that measures were being taken, and work was underway to replenish the inventory. Molson Coors mentioned that these actions were initiated quickly because:

"Our national inventory position on these SKUs is stronger than it has been in years. We are able to divert production into this market area from other breweries beginning this week."

Online controversies surrounding the Molson Coors beer

Before the Molson Coors beer recall and announcement, a few clips surfaced online with what seemed to be cans of Coors Light and Keystone Light. In the videos, individuals were seen pouring out slimy content from the fans, alleging they were the content of the beer cans.

A clip posted to TikTok showed a consumer pouring out gelatinous liquid from a Coors Light can while stating that it was the second can they opened with the slimy substance. The clip gained over three million views.

Another video that popped up on the video-sharing app showed a can of Keystone Light, and the customer claimed it was also their second can which they described had a "thick and syrupy-like slobber" content.

Molson Coors did not respond to these claims when asked about them. Further information could not be gathered through the accounts that posted the alleged syrupy content of the beer cans.

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