Jennifer Lopez shills cleanses, fat burning pills: does this make you like her less?

Jennifer Lopez is all over the place promoting her upcoming film, The Boy Next Door, which is out on January 23. Judging from the cheesy ads Ive seen, its a thriller in which her older sexy character has an affair with a teen neighbor boy who turns obsessive. Also the 15th season of American Idol

Jennifer Lopez is all over the place promoting her upcoming film, The Boy Next Door, which is out on January 23. Judging from the cheesy ads I’ve seen, it’s a thriller in which her older sexy character has an affair with a teen neighbor boy who turns obsessive. Also the 15th season of American Idol just premiered on Wednesday. I expect to see Lopez hustling hard in the coming weeks, which she’s always done.

In a new interview with E!, Lopez explains that she didn’t use a body double for the sex scenes and that “It was all me.” She also called those scenes “embarrassing” and “uncomfortable,” but her costar, Ryan Guzman, praised how well she kept him at ease.

Of course Lopez didn’t need a body double at all because she’s got an incredible figure which she surely busts her butt to maintain. So many of us would love to know how she does it. Well now Lopez is capitalizing on that. She’s launched a new “health and fitness program” called Bodylab in which she’s shilling protein shakes and supplements. Their tagline is “Be The Girl of Your Dreams.” Of course she’s couching all of this in empowerment language and she admits that she works hard, but it’s still disappointing to me that she’s doing this. Here’s how she explained it to Good Morning America:

Bodylab is a line of supplements and protein shakes and all kinds of things where you can enhance your workout. You know, you have to work hard. There’s no like, magic pill. I’m very much about women, women empowerment, being the best you. Different things about our metabolism that is totally different from men. A lot of the supplements out there are made for men. We just want to look good. We want to be hot.

[From Good Morning America, aired January 8, 2015]

After that she drank a protein shake from her new line and claimed it gave her energy. Food will do that for you. Protein shakes are one thing, but I checked out the Body Lab website and they’re selling week long “cleansing” shakes and “fat burning” pills with pseudoscientific claims. Here’s part of the description for “Thermodynamic TotalBurn,” “Total Burn is designed to switch a woman’s body into fat-breakdown mode in order to preferentially burn away her body fat ‘sinks’ and use them for fuel. This helps us lose weight in the form of actual fat mass.” So there’s no, like, magic pill but there is a pill that claims to “preferentially” burn fat and “switch a woman’s body into fat-breakdown mode.” Also, the “7-Day Ultra Fast Slim Kit,” which is the first product on the page incidentally, claims to be “the ultimate way to cleanse and detoxify the female body and kick-start the fat-burning process.” There are asterisks after many of the these claims which lead to a disclaimer that they have “not been evaluated by the FDA.”

This system sounds very similar to Isagenix, a diet shake program that two of my friends have tried with no success. It bothers me that a celebrity is endorsing a diet shake, but of course many other celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow have endorsed cleanses and shakes. Goop just did it with a higher price point.

2014 American Music Awards - Arrivals

2014 American Music Awards - Arrivals

Photo credit: Getty Images, and FameFlynet

