Khloe Kardashian Addresses Nose Job Rumors In Makeup Tutorial Video While Cuddling True Thompson

Khloe Kardashian is finally addressing those nose job rumors, but her answer is not going to shut down the plastic surgery speculation. In a makeup tutorial for Vogues Beauty Secrets YouTube series, the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star not only clues fans into her morning routine but little True Thompson joins in on the

Khloe Kardashian is finally addressing those nose job rumors, but her answer is not going to shut down the plastic surgery speculation.

In a makeup tutorial for Vogue’s Beauty Secrets YouTube series, the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star not only clues fans into her morning routine but little True Thompson joins in on the fun.

Koko begins her day with a fresh makeup-free face, which she donned for the video too. True makes an appearance early on in the video. Kardashian picks up her 1-year-old daughter, then introduces her to viewers. The proud mama tells her baby girl to blow kisses, which she does and then True is off.

Kardashian gets back to the task at hand, sharing her beauty routine with fans. She gets to the part of contouring her face and decides to kind of address those nose job rumors. The Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian star doesn’t flat out deny them. Instead, she blames contouring.

“One of my favorite things is nose contour. But this does stress me out a little bit. In-person and how cameras reflect and light, everything looks different, so sometimes I will contour my nose, and in real life, I think I look so good and then in some photos I look crazy!” Kardashian explained.

Oh yes, contouring is the entire reason her nose looks different in various photos. It gets better too. Koko shares all makeup artists have their own technique. Therefore, her snout does not always look the same.

“I do know that some people make my face look different. I think that’s really cool. I just think it’s what makeup is supposed to do,” she added.

After explaining why her nose always looking different, baby True comes back into the makeup room to see her mom.

“Oh, thank you. Is that for me?” Kardashian asks.

“No”‘ True announces before leaving the room in the cutest most abrupt manner.

Khloe Kardashian reveals a lot during her beauty routine tutorial. Some of it is enlightening, some of it is a little much.


However, there is one thing that no one can deny when watching the video, True Thompson steals her mom’s thunder. The little girl’s cuteness takes the video to another level. It was ok when it was just Koko, but True’s two appearances make it adorable beyond words.

