Only one person can make Dominik Mysterio a babyface again but it's NOT his father

WWE Superstar Dominik Mysterio has been on fire lately. He is one of the company's most effective villains, getting incredible reactions from the fans. The second-generation superstar's heel turn has genuinely saved his career.

WWE Superstar Dominik Mysterio has been on fire lately. He is one of the company's most effective villains, getting incredible reactions from the fans. The second-generation superstar's heel turn has genuinely saved his career.

However, like most long-lasting superstars, Dominik may have to go babyface again down the line. But how could the younger Mysterio turn? And, more importantly, who will make him turn? The answer might be right before us: Mami herself, Rhea Ripley!

That seems impossible now, as she is part of why Dominik Mysterio is deep in the dark side and such a hated heel. However, there is a chance The Eradicator can reverse the "damage."

WWE has established that Dominik and Rhea are more or less inseparable as a duo, whether alongside the rest of The Judgment Day or on their own. So, if Ripley has a change of heart, Dom Dom could follow her.

The current SmackDown Women's Champion can turn babyface purely based on her pride and competitive spirit while holding the title. She doesn't even need any help in winning matches, which usually makes heels more popular among the wider audience.

If Rhea Ripley turns face and breaks away from The Judgment Day, she can convince Dominik Mysterio to do the same. The Australian star would help him see the light, potentially even leading to Rey Mysterio forgiving his son.

Rhea Ripley didn't think her partnership with Dominik Mysterio would work in WWE

While it is now one of the best things in WWE, Rhea Ripley wasn't sure if she and Dominik Mysterio would work well as a specific duo when they first got together. The Eradicator said that the two of them barely knew each other in a recent interview with Michael Fairman:

"I never thought that it would work, and I don't think Dom thought it would work either, especially because we barely really talked beforehand. It was just like a 'hi' 'bye.' Yeah, I mean we just said 'hello' and 'how are you?' And that's about it," said Rhea Ripley. "But like watch these bonds sort of just grow and it's funny because like Dom and I we're the same age pretty much. I'm one year older than him and that's it. So, like we're very very similar and we're on the same sort of path so it's just been clicking and we're having a lot of fun," she added.

It will be exciting to see what lies ahead for Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. Do you think the two could turn babyface anytime soon? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

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