Theres a shady video of Prince Williams drunken dancing in Switzerland

A lot of people myself included often frame the Duke and Duchess of Cambridges marriage in terms of he had no other options, she chased away all the other girls. Either that or all of the other girls got a good look at William and thought no thanks. Its probably a little of

Duke of Cambridge, Patron of SkillForce, officially launches the charity's new award programme, The Prince William Award (PWA), while visiting a primary school in Wales

A lot of people – myself included – often frame the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s marriage in terms of “he had no other options, she chased away all the other girls.” Either that or all of the other girls got a good look at William and thought “no thanks.” It’s probably a little of Column A, a little of Column B. In the wake of William’s latest terrible PR blunder, I’m feeling more compassionate towards Kate, merely because I think he should be grateful that Kate agreed to put up with him and all of his shenanigans. I honestly don’t believe William and Kate are very bright, but I would hope that Kate at least had the good sense to realize that going skiing in Switzerland on Commonwealth Day is not a good look. Perhaps that’s why she stayed home. Plus, she knows William’s drunk dance moves very well and if she has to see him dance like that one more time, she’ll never be able to get the image out of her head. Behold, William’s drunk dance moves in Switzerland:

YIKES. This is perhaps the worst part of Work-Shy Will’s latest PR mess. He was literally doing Dorky Dance Moves as the rest of his family made a stoic visit to Westminster Abbey to observe the connections between the Commonwealth nations.

It’s worth noting how some of the royal-beat-reporters reacted to the news of William’s ski holiday too. The Daily Beast’s Tom Sykes said the vacation “feeds into a persistent and damaging narrative that William is workshy” and Sykes also brought up the fact that “William has been accused of not pulling his weight in his day job as a helicopter rescue pilot.” As in, William has two jobs – pilot and prince – and he sucks at both of them. Sykes also pointed out the sheer stupidity of William vacationing at “one of the most expensive ski destinations on earth” on Commonwealth Day just as Brexit is upon us and Britain is looking to strengthen ties with Commonwealth nations. Meanwhile, Richard Palmer at the Daily express spent much of Tuesday tweeting about it and interacting with other royal reporters and readers. Things got shady.

@markacuthbert It's a bit like the boar hunting trip before the launch of the endangered species campaign, isn't it? All about perception.

— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) March 14, 2017

@RightRoyalRound None.

— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) March 14, 2017

@markacuthbert If advice was offered, how likely would William be to listen, do you think?

— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) March 14, 2017

And here’s further evidence that William and Kate’s press office is inept and they think everyone else is too: in the wake of The Sun’s exclusive on William’s ski holiday, Kensington Palace tried the world’s worst diversionary tactic by announcing a slew of NEW engagements. So obvious.

Diary dates from KP coming thick and fast today…#Kate to attend NP gala on 28 March & 23 March Maternal Mental health films BestBeginnings

— Emily Andrews (@byEmilyAndrews) March 14, 2017

2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards Press Room

Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN.

