Where to find Celandine in The Witcher 3 Next Gen

Alchemy happens to be one of the most important aspects in The Witcher 3. A high alchemy skill will allow players to craft powerful potions and special bombs in the game. To craft these items in the game, players will need to get their hands on specific herbs that are scattered all over the place.

Alchemy happens to be one of the most important aspects in The Witcher 3. A high alchemy skill will allow players to craft powerful potions and special bombs in the game. To craft these items in the game, players will need to get their hands on specific herbs that are scattered all over the place.

Celandine is a flower that players will come across in The Witcher 3. This flower can be used to craft a lot of interesting items in the game. But where does one find this exceptional flower in Velen?

How to get Celandine in The Witcher 3 Next Gen?

There's no specific method in which players will get their hands on Celandine in The Witcher 3. As this flower grows in the wild, players can just go up to it and interact with the button. This should bring forth a prompt that displays the stacks of Celandine that players will receive when they pick the flower.

However, Celandine grows in very specific places in the game. When players step into White Orchard for the first time, they need to travel slightly southwest from the Inn until they arrive at a hut. Celandine can be found growing in patches near this hut.

Since flowers take time to grow in the wild, players can get their hands on Celandine by purchasing it from some merchants in and around the area. There are two specific individuals who sell this item. They are:

  • Tomira: She can be found in a spot towards the east of the sawmill.
  • Herbalist: This individual can be found at the Roadside Shrine in White Orchard.

These are the only known sources for Celandine in The Witcher 3. While traveling though, players can keep an eye out for the patches of Celandine that keep growing in the wild too.

Here are some of the items that require Celandine:

  • Enhanced Beast Oil
  • Superior Beast Oil
  • Enhanced Blizzard
  • Superior Blizzard
  • Reinald's Philter
  • Pops' mold antidote
  • Samum
  • Swallow
  • Wyvern Decoction
  • Yellow Armor Dye
  • Green Mutagen

Overall, the community had been anticipating The Witcher 3 Next Gen update for quite some time now. However, the developers failed to meet the expectations of the community after the update ruined the overall experience of the game.

Several bugs and glitches were spotted by the community a few hours after the launch, and they took to Twitter and Reddit to talk about the problems. The bugs and glitches were mostly affecting the PC version of the game.

Players even mentioned that this update reminded them of Cyberpunk 2077. Developed by CD Projekt Red as well, Cyberpunk 2077 was also buggy at launch.

At the time of writing this article, the developers haven't launched any fixes for the problems. However, they've acknowledged the presence of these bugs and are currently investigating them.

There's no estimated date of arrival on the patch that addresses these issues. Given that The Witcher 3 Next Gen update has recently gone live, it will probably take a few more days for a stability patch to arrive.

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