Who is the youngest Heisman trophy winner? Ranking the top 5 youngest Heisman winners in college foo

The Heisman Trophy is an award that is handed out to the best college football player each year. In the past, the award has usually been handed out to college football players who have played for a couple of seasons. But, sometimes, the Heisman Trophy has also been awarded to a freshman or sophomore.

The Heisman Trophy is an award that is handed out to the best college football player each year.

In the past, the award has usually been handed out to college football players who have played for a couple of seasons. But, sometimes, the Heisman Trophy has also been awarded to a freshman or sophomore.

The Heisman Trophy has been handed out annually since 1935.

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This article will take a look at the five youngest Heisman winners in college football history. So, without further ado, let's dive into the list.

#5 Archie Griffin

Archie Griffin won the Heisman in 1974 and 1975

The Ohio State Buckeyes starting running back Archie Griffin won the Heisman Trophy both in 1974 and 1975. He was 20 years, 3 months and 13 days old when he won the Heisman in 1974. Griffin rushed for 1,695 yards and 12 touchdowns in 1974. Griffin is the only player to have won the Heisman Trophy twice.

#4 Mark Ingram II

Mark Ingram won the Heisman in 2009

The Alabama Crimson Tide's starting running back, Mark Ingram II won the Heisman Trophy in 2009. He was just 19 years, 11 months and 22 days old then, a sophomore. Ingram II rushed for 1,678 yards and 17 touchdowns on 271 carries in 2009.

#3 Rashaan Salaam

Rashaan Salaam won the Heisman in 1994

The Colorado Buffaloes starting running back, Rashaan Salaam won the Heisman Trophy in 1994 as a junior. He was 19 years, 11 months and 16 days old then. Salaam ran for 2,055 yards and 24 touchdowns on 298 carries in 1994.

#2 Jameis Winston

Jameis Winston led FSU to a 14-0 record

The starting quarterback for Florida State, Jameis Winston won the Heisman Trophy in 2013 as a freshman. At the age of 19 years, 11 months and 8 days, the youngest at the time, he led the Seminoles to a 14-0 record going 257-for-384 for 4,057 yards and 40 touchdowns.

#1 Lamar Jackson

Lamar Jackson won the Heisman in 2016

Louisville's starting quarterback, Lamar Jackson still holds the record for being the youngest person ever to win the Heisman. He won the Heisman Trophy in 2016 when he was just 19 years, 11 months and 3 days old, beating Winston by seven days. In 2016, Jackson went 230-for-409 for 3,543 yards and 30 touchdowns. He also ran for 1,571 yards and 21 touchdowns.

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